
NaNoWriMo is an organization that challenges people to write an entire novel in the month of November. I decided to give it a try.

They set a goal of 50,000 words but wasn’t even sure I could type in 50,000 words in one month, much less put them in some recognizable order. So instead I shot for NAShoWriMo and wrote an 8,000 word short story. I still got the certificate. Well, truthfully, everybody gets the certificate. It’s just a PDF that you can download from their site.

Was it fun? I think I preferred NoMowMay, which was another challenge I particpated in during 2024. It’s basically don’t mow your lawn in May to give insects, mostly bees, get their footing before summer starts. I particularly liked it Zen-like adherance to “the absence of doing anything”. That’s something I can get behind.

But NaNoWriMo was fun in its own way too. It definitely took the place of watching TV and playing video games, at least for one month.

And here’s my output. There may be some grammatical errors and some plot holes. I blame November. It only hath 30 days. I could’ve used that 31st day!

So submitted for your approval, here is Narrow is the Road.

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