Category Quiz

Lorem Ipsum

Test your knowledge of Latin phrases, pseudo-Latin phrases, and not-Latin-at-all phrases. (Hint, when done you should have three answers each in the four categories)

Eye Test

Try these visual tests! 1, Make the visual connection – what does this bring to mind? 2. First used in 1886, this is a rare Corporate logo that still uses cursive. 3. You get the idea. Try this one: 4.…

The Brimley Cocoon Line

Wilfred Brimley at the time Cocoon was shot Who is older than Wilfred Brimley went he shot Cocoon and who is younger (as of April, 2023)? Drag the pictures to the correct bucket. If you try to put someone in…

Slang throughout the years

Whether something is the cat’s meow or all that and a bag a chips, slang serves the purpose – splitting “those in the know” from “the others.” But how is your grasp on various slang throughout the years?