Category Blog

Your worldview is skewed

The Mercator Projection is the most recognized map of the world today. Developed by Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569, it revolutionized sea navigation. It quickly became the de facto view of the world, propogated into classrooms all over the…

Books, books, books

I read nearly one hundred books in 2023. Before you start planning my ticker tape parade, I should mention that they weren’t all War and Peace. [Editor’s note: None  of them were War and Peace.] With that disclaimer, here are…

I internet so you don’t have to

Sometimes you stumble on one thing that makes it all worthwhile, like Dame Judith Dench reciting Sonnet 29, off the cuff: How does someone even come up with this? If it wasn’t for the Internet, how would we know the…

Fun with Photo Forensics

I thought it might be fun to take an old photograph off the Internet and try to identify details around the picture. I chose a baseball picture first because there is so much supporting data available on the internet around…

He must’ve had his reasons

What was this kid thinking? It all starts with this baseball scorecard from 1965: This has followed me around for fifty plus years , through I don’t know how many moves. I got curious and decided to carbon-date it. It…

Well, there goes two hours

Everybody’s got ’em – those movies that, if you stumble onto them while channel surfing, you’ll stop and watch the rest. Not your favorite movies; not the best movies; just your guilty pleasure movies. Here’s some of mine. Hombre Not…

Death to flying things

Nicknames in sports have been around as long as there have been sports. . But I firmly believe the best sports nickname of all time was retired way back in 1870 with baseball’s Jack “Death to Flying Things” Chapman. There…

A mix tape, from me to you

Music is incredibly subjective, but here are some artists I wish were better known, kind of a mix tape from me to you: Nellie McKay Sometimes I wonder why she has never hit it big and sometimes I wonder how…

I internet so you don’t have to

1940’s, Uber, New York city YouTube user NASS restores old videos, adding color and sound. They can be kind of hypnotic, as in this one of a guy driving around Manhattan in the 1940’s. I kept wanting to tell him…

Cinnamon Rolls recipe

This is a well tested recipe! I’ve made it hundreds of times, my mom made it thousands of times and God only knows how many times her mom (and brothers and father) made it! Here’s a little more readable version…