I internet so you don’t have to (1)

Thunder Road

I lived in New Jersey for six years in the eighties and one time I was helping a friend move. Just seven or so of us slinging boxes in silence.

Then someone started in on Thunder Road. Well, if you’re of an age and of an ilk, you know the words to Thunder Road. So, as soon as Mary’s dress sways, a couple of people have joined in. Casing the promised land, it’s pretty much everybody. And as we pull out of there to win, it’s a full-throated roar. Then, as quickly as it started, silence. A very New Jersey moment.

Here’s a video of the man himself singing Thunder Road at various points in his career: Springsteen and Thunder Road throughout the years

Squirrel obstacle course

I’ve had a bird feeder most everywhere I’ve lived. One thing that is universal with bird feeders: squirrels. I don’t begrudge them though, after all they don’t know that it isn’t a squirrel feeder. At some point you just come to an unspoken agreement with them.

It doesn’t take much observation to realize that intelligence is not their strong suite. The squirrel super power is perseverance. There is a quote attributed to Thomas Edison: “I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work. This is the squirrel mantra.

Here’s a video of a man who put that to a test. He set up an obstacle course the squirrels had to traverse to get to the bird feed. Who are you betting on? Backyard squirrel maze

Hair today

I’ve started to cut my own hair. I don’t have enough to justify the process anymore, driving down to the barber shop, waiting my turn, sitting in the chair for five minutes max.

My strategy is simple. Mother Nature has already taken care of the top. Doing the sides is basically lopping off too much on one side and then replicating that step on the other side. It’s the back that’s a challenge. I have to do it by feel. I’m pretty confident it looks like a war zone back there. That’s okay though, I’ve adopted Linus’ attitude:

PEANUTS © 1957 Peanuts Worldwide LLC. Dist. By ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

On the far other end of the pendulum, I submit the Minnesota Boy’s Hockey tournament. These guys prep all year for one key moment: player introductions. Trust me, they’re coming with game. Minnesota Hockey Hair

Tweets that pique

If you’re not currently active on social media, quick word of advice: DON’T. Unless, that is, you’re looking for ways to kill hours of time ending up with you feeling worse about yourself.

However, there is the occasional anthill of wheat among the mountains of chaff. And that’s where I come in, selflessly spending hours of my time on Twitter so you don’t have to. Here are some keepers:

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